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25 Most Amazing Sculptures Around The World

By LUYreay - Sunday, July 6, 2014 No Comments
Sculptures don’t just decorate or entertain the onlookers. They are the symbols of development of any culture. Centuries later, they tell about the ideas and ideals of the society. The sculptures also come from the sculptor’s need to express themselves while experimenting with different forms and materials. In many such cases, the ideas are so creative that you are inspired to the core of your heart. We have collected 25 such sculptures from around the globe which will stir your emotions todays.

1. Expansion by Paige Bradley


2. Running Horses By Robert Glen Irving, Texas

Running Horses-Sculpture

3. Hippo Sculpture At Taipei Zoo


4. Anonymous Passer-by, Wroclaw, Poland


5. Man in the Water, Stockholm Sweden

Man in Water-Sculpture

6. Break Through From Your Mold By Zenos Frudakis

Escape the mold- sculpture

7. The Shoes On The Danube Bank In Budapest, Hungary

Shoes- Sculpture

8. People Of The River By Chong Fah Cheong, Singapore

People of river-Sculpture

9. De Vaartkapoen (Policeman Being Tripped), Brussels, Belgium

Policeman tripped-Sculpture

10. The Awakening, Washington D.C., USA


11. Metalmorphosis, Charlotte, North Carolina

Metalmorphosis- Sculpture

12. Sala Keoku, Thailand

Sala Keoku-Sculpture

13. Searching For Utopia, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Search for Utopia-Sculpture

14. Sinking Building Outside State Library, Melbourne, Vic, Australia.

Sinking Library

15. God Father on the arch of Heaven, Stockholm, Sweden

God Father-Sculpture

16. Infinity by Carl Jara, Hampton Beach

Infinity- Sculpture

17. Sea Horse by Jeffro Uitto

Sea horse-sculpture

`18. Spider – Tate Modern London


19. The Road Of Freedom, Vilnius, Lithuania

Road of Freedom-Sculpture

20. Romania


21. Los Emigrantes. El Hambre

 Los Emigrantes-Sculpture

22. Man Hanging Out, Prague Czech Republic


23. Mihai Eminescu – Onesti, Romania

Mihai Eminescu-Sculpture

24. Eceabat, Turkey


25. Man in the Wall, Paris, France

Man in the wall-Sculpture

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